Code examples for the security tag - developer knowledge base ()

Ruby on Rails security: learn how to protect your web app with an example of authentication-as-a-service.
Ruby on Rails Auth: Learn how to secure your app with an example of authentication using Devise gem.
Laravel CSRF protection explained w/example: learn how to disable & configure CSRF protection in Laravel apps.
Learn how to create authentication using Laravel with a step-by-step guide & example code.
Learn how Laravel's authentication works with a simple example. Deep dive into the authentication process & see how to protect your app!
Laravel allows you to create its own authorization using simple steps and example.
Learn how to authenticate a user in Laravel with an easy to follow example.
Learn how to disable CSRF protection in Laravel with an example.
Learn how to build an authentication system with Laravel, step-by-step, with an example app.
Create secure passwords with Python! Learn how to build a password generator & see an example of how to use it in your own code.
Create secure passwords with Python: learn how to build a password generator, plus see example code to get started.
Learn how to create your own captcha using PHP, with an example code that you can implement quickly.
Learn how to create a captcha in PHP with a step-by-step example. Secure your forms from bots with this easy to follow guide.
Learn how to add two-factor authentication to your PHP app with an easy-to-follow example.
"Learn how to make a secure session check in PHP with a step-by-step example."
How to change a php password, with an example: step-by-step guide to resetting your password quickly and easily.
Build secure PHP authentication system with an example - learn how to protect your website with passwords, sessions & encryption.
Learn how to create a password reset system in PHP, with an example to help you get started.
Learn how to create user authentication in PHP with a step-by-step example. Create secure and reliable authentication easily.
How to create a safe captcha on php by generating random characters and comparing them with user input? Example!